Look Back
- What are you thankful for?
- What is causing you stress?
Look Up: Your Identity
- Read John 14:1-11. How does Jesus describe God? v. 6-7
- Who was in Jesus and what was He doing? v. 10-11
- Read John 14:12-21. Who lives in you? v. 17, 20.
- What can Jesus do through you? v.12
- What are we to do? How do we know what Jesus commands? v. 12-15.
- Read Joshua 1:8-9. Why is daily Bible reading important?
- Read John 14:26. What does the Spirit do?
- When and where will you read the Bible each day?
- A DISCIPLE reads the Bible to obey God and follows the Spirit.
- A DISCIPLE MAKING DISCIPLE trains one or two more people to read the Bible to obey God and follow the Spirit.
Look Forward
- What are you doing well?
- What do you need to change?
- Set Goal: Start Bible reading plan and read John 12-17 this week.
- Do home study on Disciple making.
- Prayer Focus: God’s Priorities - Matthew 6:9-10.
- Father, what do you want?
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